Friday, June 6, 2008

Plaza de los Luces

Another major public space in central Medellin is the Plaza de los Luces, or Plaza of Lights. Named after the forest of tall, internally illuminated light masts, this space is anchored to the east by the main pedestrianised street through the city centre, to the south by the main road linking to the Parque de los Pies Descalzos, and to the west by one of the significant new contemporary libraries that have been built in the city.
From photos this plaza appears as if it would be very hot, but the scale of the light masts themselves means that significant shadow is cast over the pavement. The plaza is also punctuated by bamboo groves, a species that was often planted to provide the microclimate that was needed for coffee growing.
The library building itself fronts the plaza with a deeply sloping facade, providing consistent deep shade for its full length. The extent and detailing of stone wall cladding and pavements is something we can only dream of...

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