Friday, June 6, 2008

Moravia Cultural Centre

Following requests from the local residents, the local administration began the process of commissioning a Cultural Centre for Moravia. The building was opened in May and has been instantly successful. Local men and women staff the centre and local children queue to use the computer centre, water features and recreation areas. Music practice rooms have been built as well as rooms where English will be taught. The central auditorium is already well used, and the whole building revolves around an open entry court where a perspex-walled 'house' has been installed. Children make soft fabric hearts which are used to fill the walls of the house, forming a visual reminder that the heart of the community is in the Centre.

The building was the last built work of prominent Colombian architect Rogelio Salmona, and it features his favoured straw-coloured Bogota brick construction. The centre is directed by historian Carlos Alberto Uribe Uribe.

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