Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gantry Plaza State Park

Located on a former industrial site on the west of Queens the site offers drop-dead views of Manhattan across the East River.  The remnant industrial archaeology sits at the water's edge and is interwoven with the piers, playground, sun lawns, and groves of the park. 
Pink stone and pink flowers contrast with  the black steel.  At one point the stone blocks step down allowing access to the pebbles, plants and water along the bank.  There are no barriers or fences, just a beautifully judged series of transitions that puts the park user in charge of his or her own experience of the place.
On a summer Saturday picnicking families, pop-jetting children, sunbathers, dog-walking Manhattanites, pram-pushing grandmas, shade seeking readers, camera-wielding tourists, canoodling couples, a colony of geese and bare-legged girls playing in a mist fountain were all successfully accommodated along this small stretch of riverfront.
Gantry Plaza State Park was designed by Thomas Balsley Associates.

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